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位于萨拉索塔的罗斯坎普研究所的科学家们有一种很有前途的药物正在欧洲进行试验. It switches the Alzheimer factory off.

The Sarasota Observer
By Heidi Kurpiela, Community Editor
Thursday, April 3, 2008

它最初是一种蛋白质,一种无定形的氨基酸有机化合物. Nebulous. 形同虚设,漂浮在大脑中,少量通过血液屏障. And like a pinch of vodka in soda water, they go unnoticed.

但随着时间的推移,不管出于什么原因——科学家们还不确定为什么——越来越多的这种蛋白质开始在大脑中积累, blanketing synapses in a sticky kind of plaque and like fine, fine hairs gathering in the bristles of a brush, the brain starts to clog with these things called beta-amyloids.

在显微镜下,纤维淀粉样蛋白不再是形状模糊的东西. They look like hairpins, twisty and stackable like Legos.

如果这是一款俄罗斯方块游戏,你会疯狂地清理屏幕. This is an oversimplified metaphor for Alzheimer’s. 但这种描述与萨拉索塔市惠特菲尔德大道上穿着白大褂的科学家们所做的事情并没有什么不同.

Not if … when 
Dr. Michael Mullan is getting close to a cure. Real close.

About a year and a half ago, Mullan, 罗斯坎普研究所的执行主任——以萨拉桑顿夫妇鲍勃和黛安·罗斯坎普的名字命名——开始给爱尔兰的阿尔茨海默病患者服用一种名为尼伐地平的药物.

新葡萄棋牌平台网站, already approved in Europe for the treatment of hypertension, has been shown to stop the production of amyloid proteins.

Remember the quickly filling Tetris screen? The falling shapes that gain speed as the game goes on? 新葡萄棋牌平台网站 stops the shapes from ever dropping.

“(It) stops the production of amyloid,” says Mullan. “Stops the body from making it. Switches the factory off.”

It’s only in phase one of European clinical trials, 但穆兰预测,这种药物最早将于今年夏天在迈阿密引入临床试验参与者,并于明年在美国其他地区推广.

If and when it hits the market, 尼伐地平将是罗斯坎普研究所的营利性公司旗下首款上市的阿尔茨海默病药物, Archer Pharmaceuticals. It is one of several Alzheimer’s drugs in the Roskamp pipeline.

在20世纪90年代初,穆兰和罗斯坎普的副主任. Fiona Crawford, 带领一组研究人员发现了导致阿尔茨海默病的淀粉样蛋白的积累.

“People used to talk about amyloid as being a tombstone, something that just showed up as a result of the disease,” says Mullan. “No one had actually proved that it caused the disease. It used to be like looking at a plane wreck. 到处都是飞机的碎片,你不知道残骸的哪一部分是残骸的结果,哪一部分是残骸的原因.”

It was a major medical breakthrough. 当时穆兰和克劳福德都在伦敦大学工作, 直到罗斯坎普和他的妻子给南佛罗里达大学捐赠了足够的资金,让科学家们继续在萨拉索塔进行研究. 12年后,USF部门扩大了,2003年,罗斯坎普研究所搬进了鲍什 & 位于萨拉索塔-布雷登顿国际机场附近的惠特菲尔德大道上的伦姆前实验室.

穆兰说:“人们对新葡萄棋牌平台网站的认识越来越高,主要是因为我们的寿命更长了。. “Right now, 所有临床试验的目标都是试图减缓疾病的发展, take the people who already have it and give them a drug. In the future, 如果我们知道谁会在记忆丧失之前得到它,那就太好了, but we don’t have a way of assessing that yet.”

Search for trial participants
Julia Parrish, LPN, the institute’s clinical trials project manager, 正在萨拉索塔为两种阿尔茨海默病药物招募志愿者——一种是静脉给药,名为Bapineuzumab,另一种是口服药物,名为ELND005.

Both trials are sponsored by Elan Pharmaceuticals, a neuroscience-based biotechnology company headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.

这两种药物已被证明以不同的方式抑制淀粉样蛋白的产生. Bapineuzumab works like a passive vaccine, 在淀粉样蛋白开始结块之前就像海绵一样渗入血液吸收它们. ELND005是一种口服药物,已被证明可以在淀粉样蛋白改变形状并在阿尔茨海默病的晚期开始堆积之前阻止它们.

Bapineuzumab目前处于第三阶段,这是临床试验的最后阶段.S. Food and Drug Administration. ELND005 is in phase two. 目前尚不清楚这种药物是否能完全逆转或停止这种疾病.

帕里什在萨拉索塔已经有了50名参与者,但她还在寻找另外15名参与者. 候选人年龄必须在50岁至88岁之间,并被诊断患有轻度至中度阿尔茨海默病, 然而,该诊所为那些有阿尔茨海默病症状但尚未被正式诊断的人提供免费的认知筛查.

数百名参与者已经在全国各地的临床试验中服用了Bapineuzumab和ELND005. Parrish said she isn’t privy to those results. Project coordinators typically do not communicate.

这两种药物是美国正在进行临床试验的七种抗淀粉样蛋白阿尔茨海默病药物中的两种, 根据穆兰和帕里什的说法,与五年前相比,这是一个重要的数字.

穆兰说:“坦率地说,我的观点是临床试验中没有足够的阿尔茨海默病药物。. “如果我们谈论的是癌症,我们每年都会谈论数百种新药.”

He has big hopes for 新葡萄棋牌平台网站.

He hopes the drug will get FDA approval in the next four years, 到那时,罗斯坎普研究所就可以在一大群健康的参与者经历记忆丧失之前开始对其进行测试.

“In my mind, it isn’t not a question of if we can cure Alzheimer’s. It’s a question of when,” says Mullan. “Once we have drugs that are effective we can give them earlier, we can predict Alzheimer’s before there’s memory problems. 这个想法说起来容易,但实际上我们还需要5到10年的时间.”

Clinical volunteers needed!

Roskamp正在为其Bapineuzumab和ELND005的临床试验寻找参与者. 如果你的年龄在50到88岁之间,被诊断出可能患有阿尔茨海默病,并且有一个护工可以开车送你往返萨拉索塔市惠特菲尔德大道2040号的罗斯坎普研究所,请致电朱莉娅·帕里什,电话是256-8018.

The institute also offers free memory screenings for adults age 60 or older.

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